Urban Dogger

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Consider In-Home Dog Grooming

Pet owners often feel like they need to choose between professional grooming and doing it themselves at home. However, professional in-home grooming is an ideal middle ground that enables you to get all of the benefits of a professional groom for your dog without the stress and anxiety that often goes along with professional grooming. 

Here are just a few of the benefits of choosing to have a professional groom your dog at home:

Professional Process and Results

Even if you do your best to bathe and trim your dog at home, you probably aren't as pleased with the results as when a professional does it. Professional tools can be very expensive and out of the reach of many pet owners. 

Professionals also are a lot quicker, which can dramatically reduce your dog’s stress level compared to doing it yourself. Furthermore, a professional is much less likely to make a mistake like cutting your dog's nails too short which can traumatize your dog and make them react poorly to grooming in the future. 

Whether you need a full bath, clip, and blow out, or whether you have a short-haired dog that just needs a bath and to have their nails trimmed, the professional process and result are often better than doing it yourself.

 Avoid the Stress of the Grooming Salon

Taking your dog somewhere to be groomed can be extremely stressful. Just being in a new place is very stressful for most dogs. Being there without you is considerably more stressful. 

Grooming salons smell like the stress of other dogs, which will increase your dog's anxiety. Since groomers are busy, your dog may need to spend the entire day at the grooming salon in order to be fit into their schedule. All of that before a stranger begins manipulating their body and using tools on them. 

By contrast, having a professional come to your home allows your dog to be groomed in their own safe and happy environment. You will have time to speak with the groomer and build a rapport with them with your dog present so that your dog won’t view the groomer as a stranger by the time the groom begins.


Groomers are often overbooked, which means that you may wait a month for an appointment and then have to fit whatever opening is available into your schedule. Your dog will likely need to spend the entire day at the grooming salon as the groomer fits them in. 

You may still have to wait for an in-home visit, but it is typically much easier to fit someone coming to your home into your schedule than having to bring your dog somewhere. The groomer will arrive, get the job done, and leave, all without you having to go anywhere. Furthermore, your dog won't have to stay at the salon all day in a stressful environment.

Supervise Your Groomer

You must place a lot of trust in your groomer to leave your dog alone with them and allow them to physically handle your dog in such an intimate way as grooming requires. It can be hard to drop your dog off at the groomer and hope that the groomer makes the experience pleasant and not traumatic for your pup. 

By having a groomer come to your home, you have a much better opportunity to supervise them and see for yourself what kind of experience your dog is having. This can alleviate a lot of the anxiety of choosing a professional groomer. As an added benefit, your groomer will be able to talk to you about what they're doing and provide some tips for you to help maintain your dog in between grooms. 

Consider In-Home Dog Grooming

In-home dog grooming can be the perfect solution to keep your dog looking and feeling their best while avoiding the frustration and even trauma of bringing your dog to a grooming salon. Your dog will be much more comfortable being groomed in their own home in a familiar environment rather than being in a strange place with stressed-out, unknown dogs. 

Grooming will be faster and produce more attractive results than if you tried to do it yourself, and it is much more convenient for you to have a groomer come to your home rather than having to drop your dog off and pick them up from the salon. 

Whether you have been trying to take care of your dog’s grooming needs yourself or bringing them to a salon, it is well worth giving in-home grooming a try.